Genomic analysis allows our scientists to identify health concerns and discover new treatments.
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Your contribution to SwissPedHealth is invaluable. By consenting to further use of health related data and participating in our research project, you’re helping us to improve how we manage pediatricdiagnose patients and to increase our understanding of both common and rare diseases. This page provides an overview of how your contribution will be used in our research.
When visiting the hospital, patients are asked to complete a general consent form. The general consent allows further use of clinical care data and samples for research and quality improvement projects. This is important to enable a system that learns from every patient thereby helping to improve care of future patients.
Links to forms and information on general consent from Swiss Children’s Hospitals:
In “MOMIC”, the lighthouse project of SwissPedHealth, we want to detect rare diseases in children with life threatening conditions. As a participant in this study, you will have received an informed consent document. This document contains specific information about your participation in our research project, including how your data will be used and protected. We encourage you to review this document and reach out to us if you have any questions.
Your contribution aids us in tailoring treatments based on scientific evidence. With data from genomics, multi-omics, and other forms of analysis, we provide personalized health care to our patients.
We use modern technology like DNA analysis, proteomics, statistics, high-performance computing, and medical knowledge interpretation to develop new medical systems. Your contribution helps us in the continual development and application of these technologies.
Your involvement is critical to our research. Your experiences, opinions, and needs guide us in the design and application of our research projects, and significantly increase research quality, relevance, and impact
Basic science research is central to our work. By understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying disease, we can develop new diagnostic tools and treatments. Your contribution supports research in genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, epidemiology, social science, statistics, machine learning, critical care technology improvement and creation, computer science, data management, and data science.
Your data also supports our collaborative efforts with multiple university hospitals and research groups within the SwissPedHealth project. These collaborations combine resources, expertise, and knowledge for cutting-edge medical research.
At SwissPedHealth, your contribution is instrumental to our mission of improving pediatric health care. Your participation enables us to advance our research and ultimately develop more effective treatments. We deeply appreciate your trust and participation in our work.